How to curb public unions’ out-of-control power

How to curb public unions’ out-of control power

Philip K. Howard

Special to USA TODAY

It’s time to rethink the role of public employee unions in democratic governance.

Public union intransigence has contributed to two of the most socially destructive events in the COVID-19 era. Rebuilding the economy after the pandemic ends also will be more difficult if state and local governments have to abide by featherbedding and other artificial union mandates.

Public employee unions are politically impregnable, but their corrosion of first principles of democratic governance may leave them open to constitutional attack.

The lack of accountability imposed by union contracts has corroded democratic trust. The nearly nine-minute suffocation of George Floyd by Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin, every second shown on video, touched off protests around the country and social anger that may impact race relations for years.

But Chauvin should not have been on the job, and he likely would have been terminated or taken off the streets if police supervisors in Minneapolis had the authority to make judgments about unsuitable officers. Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him and a reputation for being “tightly wound,” not a good trait for someone carrying a loaded gun.

But police union contracts make it very difficult to terminate officers. Of 2,600 complaints against police in Minneapolis since 2012, only 12 resulted in any sort of discipline and no officers were terminated. A 2017 report on police abuse nationwide revealed that union contracts make it extremely difficult to remove officers with a repeated history of abuse.

Teachers unions wield similar power. Dismissing a teacher, as one school superintendent told me, is not a process, it’s a career. California ranks near the bottom in school quality but is able to dismiss only two out of 300,000 teachers in a typical year.

Because of COVID-19, teachers unions have adamantly refused to allow teachers to return to work for a year, harming millions of students.

Because many parents can’t work if children are not in school, teachers unions are also impeding our ability to reopen the economy.

Yet most parochial and private schools in the U.S. have reopened, without serious consequences, as have schools in Europe. It is safe to reopen schools, according to the Centers for Disease Control, as long as teachers and students follow certain protocols. Unions now say they’ll put a toe in the water, starting in the Spring, when another school year is almost over.

The bottom line is inescapable: Public employee unions do not serve the public’s best interests.

How did public employee unions turn into public enemies? Until the 1960s, collective bargaining was not lawful in government. It’s hardly in the public interest to give public employees power to negotiate against the public interest.

As President Franklin Roosevelt put it: “The process of collective bargaining… cannot be transplanted into the public service…. To prevent or obstruct the operations of Government …. by those who have sworn to support it, is unthinkable and intolerable.”

Public union power is largely an accident of history, one of the many unintended effects of the 1960s rights revolution. The first shoe to drop was Executive Order 10988 in which President John F. Kennedy, as payback for political support, permitted collective bargaining for federal employees.

Public unions soon demanded similar rights from states. Without any serious debate, New York in 1967 permitted collective bargaining, followed by California in 1968.

Unions gained strength with every new administration. The rhetoric was virtuous: Who can be against the rights of public employees? But the velvet glove of rights barely disguised the political iron fist.

Public employees represent almost 15% of the work force, probably the largest organized voting bloc. For more than 50 years, generations of political leaders have promised whatever it would take to get their support, including shields against accountability and rich pensions and benefits. In Illinois, a state now actuarily insolvent, 20,000 public employees enjoy pensions of more than $100,000 per year.

A political solution is almost impossible. Union contracts have long tails, tying the hands of successive political leaders. Their political power also is different from that held by other interest groups; political leaders are powerless without their cooperation.

As labor leader Victor Gotbaum once put it, “We have the ability, in a sense, to elect our own boss.”

Public unions wield this power not just to get benefits, but to dictate how government works. After 80 meetings trying to cajole teachers back to work, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot concluded that “they’d like to take over not only Chicago Public Schools, but take over running the city government.”

Democracy can’t work if elected officials lack the ability to run government. As James Madison put it, democracy requires an unbroken “chain of dependence… the lowest officers, the middle grade, and the highest, will depend, as they ought, on the President.” By shackling political leaders with thick contracts, and eviscerating accountability for cops and teachers, public unions have removed a keystone of democratic governance.

Public unions are not a problem anticipated by the framers of the Constitution. But Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution provides that “the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Known as “the Guarantee Clause,” the provision has never been asserted in this context.

The history of the clause suggests that, by guaranteeing “a republican form of government,” the framers meant to ensure that government would be accountable to voters and not to a monarch or other unaccountable power.

Public unions have severed a key link between voters and governance. They are immune from accountability, collect tribute in the form of featherbedding work rules and excessive pensions, and control what they do day-to-day instead of what voters need.

Philip K. Howard is founder of Campaign for Common Good.

Wake Up America


Here’s a Reminder of What’s at Stake:

This has been on my mind and I felt a need to post this because not many are aware of the whole picture as to why the Democratic Party is pushing their socialistic ideas and the reasons behind their drive to make the USA a socialist country! The list of 45 goals of Communism found their way down the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, 57 years later, you’ll be shocked by the events that have played themselves out already!

Democrats are Communists

Much of this is written by Capt Joseph R. John, which you can look up on line. The goal of the Communist Party USA is to remove President Donald J. Trump from office in the November election, so the elected Socialists, Marxists, and Communists in the Biden administration can change the government of the US Constitution Republic into the Socialist Republic of America. Marxist Tom Perez, who leads the new Socialist Democrat Party, and the 45 elected Socialists, Marxists, Progressives, and Communists in Pelosi’s Democrat Congressional Caucus have many of the same goals as the Communist Party USA, their collective goal is to fundamentally change the US Constitutional Republic.

The Socialist Democrat Party has many of the same below listed goals that the Communist Party USA has in order to destroy the United States:

  1. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs

  2. Discredit the American Founding Fathers, present them as selfish aristocrat

  3. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion and discredit the Bible

  4. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state”

  5. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American History on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture”

  6. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies——on going now in Seattle, NYC, Minneapolis, Baltimore, etc.

  7. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition

  8. Discredit the family as an institution

  9. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents

  10. Free Trade with all nation—no tariffs

  11. Foreign trade to all countries.

  12. Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind

  13. Do away with Loyalty Oath in Congress

  14. Capture one of the US Political Parties

  15. Use US Courts to weaken American Institutions

  16. Foment racial conflict

  17. Indoctrinate Students in Socialism and current Communist propaganda. Put the party line in textbooks

  18. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations that are under Communist attack

  19. Infiltrate the press to oppose enemies of the left

  20. Eliminate all historic sculptures from parks and buildings

  21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures

  22. Discredit American culture

  23. Violate of freedom of speech and freedom of press

  24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship”

  25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV

  26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy”

  27. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

You can find the complete list of the ‘45 goals of the Communist Party’ in researcher Cleon Skousen’s book: “The Naked Communist.” The list can also be found on line.

I hope this helps to explain what is and has been happening in our country. I hope and pray you all keep safe during this Christmas time of year.

Fact Checking POLITIFACT

In a campaign stop in Manitowoc, WI on Sept. 21, 2020, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden struck back at an assertion Republican President Donald Trump had made earlier in the month about coronavirus deaths: That so-called “blue states” were driving the country’s high death rates.

“If you just count all the deaths in the red states, we are number two in the world in deaths, just behind Brazil,” Biden said.

POLITIFACT, the web site that allegedly fact checks statements like this gave Biden a Mostly True Reading. OH REALLY!

They asserted that Biden is mostly on track in claiming that if red states somehow were split off, they would still account for the second-highest death counts in the world, depending on how you define red and blue states.

POLITIFACT looked at RED STATES, those that went for Trump in 2016 and recorded 97,329 deaths in total as of Sept. 28, 2020.


I used statistics for today, 10/4/2020 from: a web site that records daily COVID-19 statistics. Here is what I found:

StateTotal CasesTotal DeathsPopulation


Red States4,573,507100,750186,790,098

POLITIFACT stated that 30 Red States went for Trump in 2016. You can see that over 100,00 deaths from COVID-19 occurred in those 30 states.

I was curious about BLUE STATES which Biden didn’t bother to mention in Manitowoc. Here is what I found for 10/4/2020:

StateTotal CasesTotal DeathsPopulation


Blue States2,817,829108,536141,449,425

There were 20 BLUE STATES and the Washington DC that went for Clinton in 2016.

You can see that COVID-19 deaths were higher in these BLUE STATES.

I then noticed that the total population of the RED STATES was 45,340,673 higher than the BLUE STATES.

What that means is that COVID-19 deaths as a percentage of the total population is 2.20% in the RED STATES but 3.85% in BLUE STATES. I consider that to be a considerable difference, but we can debate that.

This also proves President Trump’s assertion that BLUE STATES were driving the country’s COVID-19 death rates.

I rate Joe Biden’s claim as FALSE on two points: the higher total COVID-19 deaths (108,536) in the BLUE STATES and the percentage of deaths to the total population (3.85%) in the BLUE STATES.

Finally, POLITIFACT is notorious for twisting facts to suit the conclusions they want to draw. In this case that President Trump was wrong and Joe Bide was correct. However, digging deeper into the details shows just how POLITIFACT can distort facts.


Leaving God Out of Politics is ‘Illogical, Immoral, and Un-American’

'The important part about politics is that God is important in our political life,' said Fr. Michael Orsi.Fr. Michael Orsi

August 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A Florida Catholic priest told a recent GOP political gathering that leaving God out of politics is “illogical, immoral and un-American.”

Politics is something that pastors usually stay away from, Father Michael Orsi said.

“However if your pastor is staying away from politics, tell him he's an illegitimate pastor,” he said. “The reason I say that is because politics affect our lives. And when we talk about our lives, we necessarily have to remind ourselves that we are called to be moral creatures.”

“And the important part about politics is that God is important in our political life,” Orsi said.

A lot of people think it's not chic to talk about God, he told the Collier County, FL, Republican Executive Committee in a July meeting that was published on YouTube August 2.

“Let me tell you, Republicans, if you want to win, I think it's time that you talk openly about God,” the priest said, “openly, because that's what people's hearts are and people know what's right when they hear the truth.”

He continued saying that people urge sugarcoated language that excludes mentioning the Creator, adding that if Republicans do that, and do not mention God, then they're going to lose the battle - which is what the enemy wants.

“I'm convinced from what I have seen when I have seen the devil has his hand in this,’ said Orsi. “The devil has his hand in this. This is illogical. It is immoral it is un-American.”

Orsi, a priest of the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, who currently serves as parochial vicar for St. Agnes Parish in Naples, Florida, is also a writer and host of the weekly cable television series on pro-life issues, “Action for Life TV.” He is the former chaplain of Ave Maria School of Law in Naples.

Now more and more God is trying to be removed from the public square and from the political discourse, he told the GOP gathering in an address last month, continuing that this was, “Very foolish, very stupid, very un-American.”

This is because our country is founded on the principle that there is a God who guarantees our rights, he explained.

The men who composed the early documents of our country were God-fearing men, he added, “And they realized that in order to have a virtuous country you have to believe in God. Why? God guarantees you your rights.”

“Without God guaranteeing you your rights, who gives you your right?” Orsi questioned. “The state? The politicians?”

“God gives you your rights,” he stated. “They are anchored in God.”

“And so God sets the standard for what is right and what is wrong,” continued Orsi. “And in order to have a healthy political system, in order to have America as we know America, God has to play an important role in our civil discourse.”

God is there in the national motto of “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” said Orsi, and thus if your pastor is not talking about politics and God - he is failing you.

A lot of people have the idea that as long as you’re a nice person, get along with everybody and be politically correct that they’re going to be saved, he said.

“Well maybe not,” Orsi stated, “because you’re called to speak the truth.”

“Where do we find the truth? Where's our nation rooted?” he asked. “In God, but God in the Bible, in the Judeo Christian tradition. That's where God is found and that's where we learn how to live as good human beings.”

Orsi listed specific current examples where pastors should be invoking God and thus influence the political realm and the nation’s culture, including the just war theory, immigration and gender ideology, and explained the Church’s approach to each.

These examples are right out of the Bible, he said.

“I want to tell you to speak openly about our rights given to us by God,” Orsi told the republican group in conclusion. “Our obligation to live as God-like people, following God's instruction to us in the Bible.”

“Tell your pastors,” he said. “Tell your pastors that you want to hear the truth. Because it's only the truth that will set you free.”
